Course curriculum

    1. Pre-Quiz Before we Begin

    2. How to Take a Proper Screenshot

    3. GroupMe for Questions and Answers

    4. Assignment 1: SAVING

    1. Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps

    2. Assignment 2: Budget Review

    3. Setup Your Plan in RightCapital

    4. Assignment 2 Quiz: Baby Steps

    5. Assignment 2: Budgets and Accountability

    1. 3 Laws of Personal Finance

    2. Credit and Debt

    3. Understanding FICO Scores (Download and Review)

    4. How to Read a Credit Report

    5. Session 3 Quiz

    6. Important Please Read and Watch!

    7. Assignment 3: Credit Report and FICO

    1. Your Financial Plan Part 1 of 6

    2. Your Financial Plan Part 2 of 6

    3. Your Financial Plan Part 3 of 6

    4. Your Financial Plan Part 4 of 6

    5. Your Financial Plan Part 5 of 6

    6. First Memories of Money (Part 6 of 6)

    7. Session 4 Quiz

    8. Assignment 4: Parental Interview

    1. What Is Consumerism

    2. What Investopedia says About Consumerism

    3. Buyer Beware

    4. Billy’s Credit Card Calculations

    5. Session 5 Quiz

    6. Session 5 Preview Video

    7. More About Credit Reports and FICO Scores 👉

    8. Assignment 5: Consumerism and Credit Crush Setup

About this course

  • $79.95
  • 104 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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